How many times have you heard this scenario? “My husband woke up and didn’t feel well. I asked him to call his doctor to make an appointment. He said he wanted to give it a day. The next day it wasn’t any better, but he put off calling the doctor until he really felt...
The Driving Question for Seniors… Driving represents freedom and independence for the elderly—the ability to visit friends, go to the movies and shop—without relying on anyone else. Understandably, the ability to go where they want is important to seniors. Often...
With life’s twists and turns sometimes we find ourselves in need of a friend. (Retirement can be one of the biggest twists in this regard.) It’s a rare individual who can identify such a need in themselves. Usually when we find ourselves down in the dumps, our...
What is an Affinity Community? Niche or Affinity communities are places where people who share similar interests, education and professional backgrounds or lifestyles decide to live in the same place. The idea of an affinity group or affinity community is not like...
After working for decades, retirement can seem like a shock. At first it sounds fun to sleep in and go for leisurely lunches, but in time that wears thin. As we go about making non-work-related friends, retirees often join lots of common-interest clubs. In time that...